Daily Supply and Auction Prices of Live Pigs in October 2024
Day/Month/Year 日/月/年 |
Supply 活豬供應 |
Auction Prices 拍賣價 |
Mainland 內地進口活豬 |
Local 本地活豬供應 |
Total 總活豬供應 |
Highest 最高價 |
Lowest 最低價 |
Average 平均價 |
01/10/2024 02/10/2024 03/10/2024 04/10/2024 05/10/2024 06/10/2024 07/10/2024 |
2,908 2,806 2,791 2,802 2,727 3,204 2,778 |
158 172 210 284 295 213 261 |
3,066 2,978 3,001 3,086 3,022 3,417 3,039 |
$2,200 $1,610 $2,200 $1,668 $1,700 $1,584 $1,946 |
$1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,500 $1,350 $1,550 |
$1,481 $1,475 $1,488 $1,475 $1,547 $1,435 $1,733 |
# 01/10/2024: | The highest price refers to Black Pig, price of which is comparatively higher. 最高價屬黑毛豬,其價格較一般豬為高。 |
# 03/10/2024: | The highest price refers to Black Pig, price of which is comparatively higher. 最高價屬黑毛豬,其價格較一般豬為高。 |