Markets and StallsLicences in ForcePermits in ForceLivestock SlaughteredWater Sampling for ExaminationPest ControlRefuse & Junk CollectionCleansingConvictionsFixed PenaltyCemeteries and Crematoria

Markets and Stalls

Markets (as at 31 December) 2017 2018 2019 2020
No. of Markets 101 99 97 98
Market Stalls (as at 31 December) 2017 2018 2019 2020
No. of Stalls (excluding cooked food) 13 390 13 069 13 041 12 970
No. of Cooked Food Stalls 1 019 1 019 973 973
Total 14 409 14 088 14 014 13 943

Licences in Force

Food Business and Other Trade Licences (as at 31 December) 2017 2018 2019 2020
No. of Food Business Licences (Full Licence)
General Restaurant 10 576 11 173 11 448 11 799
Light Refreshment Restaurant 3 665 3 820 3 927 4 059
Marine Restaurant 5 5 5 5
Bakery 595 578 575 573
Cold Store 53 57 63 65
Factory Canteen 474 479 481 489
Food Factory 7 140 7 671 8 275 8 898
Fresh Provision Shop 2 529 2 468 2 557 2 717
Frozen Confection Factory 467 490 504 514
Milk Factory 8 8 8 8
Siu Mei and Lo Mei Shop 356 356  366 384
Composite Food Shop 6 3  3 3
No. of Trade Licences
Commercial Bathhouse 58 55 51 51
Funeral Parlour 7 7 7 7
Offensive Trade 11 7 7 7
Swimming Pool 1 246 1 277 1 309 1 333
Undertakers of Burials 123 124 125 127
No. of Liquor Licences
Liquor 7 656 7 977 8 218 8 320
Club Liquor 419 422 413 403
No. of Places of Public Entertainment Licences (Full Licence)
Places of Public Entertainment 209 220 251 265
No. of Private Columbarium
Private Columbarium -- -- 4 7
No. of Slaughterhouse Licences
Slaughterhouse 3 3 3 2
Total 35 606 37 200 38 600 40 036
No. of Hawker Licences in Force (as at 31 December)
(excluding temporary licences and deputy permits)
2017 2018 2019 2020
Fixed-pitch 5 341 5 148 5 045 5 246
Itinerant 399 383 370 348
Total 5 740 5 531 5 415 5 594

Permits in Force

No. of Permits in Force (as at 31 December) 2017 2018 2019 2020
Chinese Herb Tea 398 402 417 411
Food Vending Machine 58 102 205 356
Cut Fruit 752 782  798 795
Frozen Confections 2 563 2 638  2 656 2 752
Milk 1 974 2 017  2 045 2 066
Non-bottled Drinks 623 640  634 662
Shell Fish (Excluding Hairy Crab) 118 113 109 110
Shell Fish (Hairy Crab) -- 104 106 113
Online Sale of Restricted Food 255 395 422 804
Others 682 759 473 490
Total 7 423 7 952 7 865 8 559

Livestock Slaughtered

No. of Livestock Slaughtered Slaughterhouse 2017 2018 2019 2020
Pig Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse 1 388 553 1 411 271 835 351 598 436
Tsuen Wan Slaughterhouse 164 971 156 810  107 981 158 233
Cheung Chau Slaughterhouse 5 205 5 058  2 328 0
Sub-total 1 558 729 1 573 139  945 660 756 669
Cattle Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse 17 359 17 128  15 344 14 657
Goat Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse 3 250 3 245 1 802 1 446
Total 1 579 338 1 593 512 962 806 772 772

Water Sampling for Examination

No. of Water Samples Tested From 2017 2018 2019 2020
Swimming Pool 7 919 7 523 8 196 3 219
Bath Pool 76 64  60 52
Well and Tap / Stream 868 829  771 663
Fish Tank 11 040 10 879  10 727 10 075

Pest Control

  2017 2018 2019 2020
No. of Mosquito Inspection 917 842 909 247 847 088 820 324
No. of Rodents Trapped/Poisoned 41 038 44 378  53 986 60 860

Refuse & Junk Collection

  2017 2018 2019 2020
Average Daily Collection (in tonne) 5 746 5 919 5 832 6 097


Facilities (as at 31 December) 2017 2018 2019 2020
No. of Public Refuse Collection Points 2 950 2 970 2 914  2 930
No. of Public Toilets 789 799 799 808
No. of Public Bathhouses 28 27 27 26
No. of Aqua Privies 57 53 51 40

Convictions and Fines Imposed for Environmental Hygiene Related Offences

  2017 2018 2019 2020
Food Premises Hygiene (including licensed food premises, unlicensed food premises)
No. of convicted cases 5 395 5 668 10 014 5 428
Fine (HK $Mn.) 26.3 31.1  47.5 25.2
Public Cleansing (including littering, spitting, obstruction to scavenging operation, unauthorized bill and poster, dogs fouling in public places, other cleansing matters)
No. of convicted cases 45 706 51 084 51 354 50 816
Fine (HK $Mn.) 71.7 80.0 82.2 79.8
Hawker and Market (including licensed hawker, unlicensed hawker, market stall operator)
No. of convicted cases 18 914 18 080 21 316 17 016
Fine (HK $Mn.) 18.8 19.2 23.5 20.4
Mosquito Breeding
No. of convicted cases 88 286 357 137
Fine (HK $Mn.) 0.3 1.3 2.2 0.7
Others (including unlicensed offensive trade, unlicensed place of public entertainment, commercial bathhouse, swimming pool etc.)
No. of convicted cases 237 182 351 207
Fine (HK $Mn.) 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.4

Enforcement Figure of the Fixed Penalty (Public Cleanliness and Obstruction) Ordinance*

  2017 2018 2019 2020
No. of $1,500 Fixed Penalty Notices Issued Related to Offences of Public Cleanliness^ 45 000 50 000 48 000 47 000
No. of $1,500 Fixed Penalty Notices Issued Related to the Offence of Obstruction of Public Places^ 7 000 8 000  8 000 11 000

*The "Fixed Penalty (Public Cleanliness Offences) Ordinance" has been amended to "Fixed Penalty (Public Cleanliness and Obstruction) Ordinance" since 24 September 2016.
^ The figure is rounded to the thousand digit

Cemeteries and Crematoria

Cemeteries and Crematoria 2017 2018 2019 2020
No. of Cemeteries (as at 31 December)
Public Cemetery 10 10 10 10
Private Cemetery 27 27  27 27
Cemetery under Commonwealth War Graves Commission 2 2  2 2
No. of Crematoria (as at 31 December)
Public Crematorium 6 6 6 6
Private Crematorium 6 6  6 6
No. of Burial
Coffin 2 962 3 136 2 780 2 852
Urn 1 137 1 225  1 118 1 008
No. of Cremation
Body 42 809 43 803 45 543 46 465
Skeletal Remains 1 961 1 855 1 552 1 672
No. of Exhumation
Coffin 3 875 3 816 3 355 2 838
Urn 742 890  684 563
No. of Exhumation Permit Issued
Exhumation Permit Issued 4 671 4 483 4 005 3 681

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