The niche allocatees may arrange the deposition of ashes of deceased and installation of memorial plaque from the date of completing the formalities of allocation and payment. The 20-year interment period will also be started from the date of allocation. Please pay attention to the following arrangements when depositing deceased ashes:

  1. The ashes of deceased shall be deposited in the allocated niche within six months from the date of niche allocation;
  2. Niche allocatees shall engage any one of the contractors registered under Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) to arrange ash deposition. Particulars of the contractors can be downloaded from the following link:
  3. The contractor shall, at least 3 days prior to the date of ash deposition, make appointment via the online Works Booking Services (only for registered trade users) of FEHD; and
  4. The niche allocatees and the contractors may refer to the video from the following link or scan QR code below for the procedures of ash deposition at Cape Collinson-San Ha Columbarium –

for the procedures of ash deposition at Cape Collinson-San Ha Columbarium

For enquiries related to ash deposition, please contact Office of Cape Collinson-San Ha Columbarium at 2817 6162 or 2515 3777.