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5.1 Personal Health and Illnesses

  1. Food handlers suffering or suspected to be suffering from a communicable disease or symptoms of illness such as diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, sore throat and abdominal pain should be immediately suspended from engaging in any food handling work.
  2. Food handlers with open cuts or wounds on the exposed parts of their bodies should not be allowed to handle food or to come into contact with food contact surfaces, unless such cuts / wounds are completely protected by waterproof gloves or dressings.

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5.2 Personal Hygiene

Food handlers should keep all parts of their bodies and clothing clean.

  1. Hair

    Hair should preferably be kept short and covered with a clean hat or hair net in the course of handling food.

  2. Jewelry and Perfume

    Watches, rings and jewelry should be removed before working with food. Heavy make-up, strong perfume or aftershave should be avoided.

  3. Clothing and Personal Effects
    1. Only clean and light coloured outer clothing or protective overalls should be worn. Mouth masks and disposable gloves should be worn as far as possible.
    2. Personal effects, such as handbags, footwear, umbrellas and dirty clothing, should not be stored or left in any food reparation area. They should be put inside lockers or cloakrooms away from food preparation areas.
  4. Hands
    1. Hands should be kept clean at all times, especially after engaged in any activities that may contaminate hands. Nails should be kept short and unpolished.
    2. Handwashing should be frequent, thorough and performed in wash hand basins by using liquid soap and copious amount of water. Washed hands should be dried by a clean paper towel, continuous cloth towel in dispenser or air dryer.

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5.2.1 Personal Habits

When food handlers are engaged in food preparation areas, they should refrain from behaviours which may result in contamination of food, such as smoking, spitting, sneezing, coughing; or sitting, lying or standing on any surface liable to come into contact with food; or touching hair or other parts of their bodies such as noses, eyes or ears.

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5.3 Training of Food Handlers

  1. The management of food premises should promote food safety training to their employees by conducting on-going in-house courses for them or arranging them to participate in courses run by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department or institutions recognized by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.
  2. Food business should always be supervised by a person who has attended a recognized food hygiene course. He should keep his certificate or other relevant documentary proof at the food premises and be readily available for inspection on demand.

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